GP Tuitjenhorn unfairly on hold

Gepubliceerd op 1 juni 2016 om 14:17

The controversial doctor Nico Tromp from Tuitjenhorn had not laid off in October 2013. That statement, the Council of State did today.


GP Tromp gave in August 2013 much more morphine than allowed to a terminally ill patient, who died shortly afterwards. The case was reported to the health care Inspectorate (IGZ) by a supervisor of an Assistant to the present co-AMC in Amsterdam. That set Tromp prompt seven days on hold.

The GP first signed to this decision, but a short time later committed suicide.

The Inspector has not made in accordance with the Council of State that he had to intervene and that immediate steps had to be taken. That happened more than a month after reporting to the Inspector and after completing the criminal investigation.

' Unpalatable ' Widow Anneke Tromp mentioned earlier, the action of the IGZ, unpalatable ''. Looking for reparation for her late husband they challenged the judge. Who ruled in July last year that the GP is on hold.

According to widow Tam happened that on wrong grounds and had never taken the decision may be. The decision of the State Council today put a stripe by the judgement of the Administrative Court in Alkmaar.

The widow wants reparation for her husband. ,, My husband had a flawless past, but one incident was enough to make him put away if danger to his patients. ''

By Editorial AD Photo REUTERS

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