' The banning of sexting is unnecessary '

Gepubliceerd op 25 september 2015 om 16:19

Your daughter of ban to sixteen nude pics? That is unnecessary. , Selfie, a girl who makes a naked, does absolutely nothing wrong. " The boyfriend that the photo forward unsolicited, that needs to be addressed.


That finds both the PvdA as the Institute for gender studies in Nijmegen. ,, Making the picture is nothing wrong. The boyfriend that sends unsolicited must learn what the consequences are. Basically he's just spreading child pornography. "

Young girls with an iPhone for the mirror take photos of their breasts or buttocks. It's not something since the advent of the smartphone suddenly popular. Exciting naked photos are all since the advent of the camera created and distributed, only it's now a lot easier.

Girls forbidden from expressing these and similar pictures is according to Els Raghavan of the Institute for Gender studies in Nijmegen, therefore, unnecessary. Nevertheless, it happens, though, and it is making nude photos often very useful. Teenagers learn their own body, discover what is pleasant and less pleasant and gain awareness of how the body works. " Also can send photos according to Raghavan much use, for example, in young people that a long distance relationship, each other thereby see little but want to explore new things together.

Guilt Where the problem when sexting, such as creating and sending nude pictures also is called though, when without permission by sending the captured pictures. ,, Girls send a nude photo to their boyfriend, the relationship goes out and the ex-boyfriend sends the pictures by, without this to the girl to ask ". The picture is then sent to the other and from one whatsappgroep goes all the school around. The girl in question feels guilty afterwards and stupid, because she has chosen to take the picture. That feel guilty is undeserved, according to Raghavan and appropriate at the current, wrong standard.

,, The victim gets blamed and can expect little support from her surroundings. ' Then you had that picture but should not make ', say parents, teachers and friends. Yet it is not the fault of the victim:,, the forwarding of this kind of pictures is pure bullying, where the victim is often also blackmailed and nowhere to go. "

The Institute believes it is time for a new standard, also in the existing information that parents and schools now often get over the phenomenon. Information campaigns and parent evenings should be fully focus on countering the dissemination, and not on the banning of making nude photos.

What can you say parents who want to talk with their children about nude photos can best lay the emphasis "on the effects and consequences of the unsolicited forwarding. For example, ask if he or she knows that they are forwarding nude pictures participate in the distribution of child pornography? And if they know that this is just as punishable as someone ravished?

The Labour Party also believes that distributors need to be addressed. Justice minister Ard van der Steur called at a debate on morals, parents ' business, their role to pick '' and children standard awareness. In addition, he finds that the young people should be directed to Bureau Halt so that they avoid a criminal record, but through a special process learning the effect of their action. In addition, they required an apology in a so-called ' recovery ' conversation.

According to Raheem, it is important that young people are expert in the field of sexting:,, children and young people Learn how they can exchange sexual content in a safe manner, because it happens anyway. They don't need to stop making nude pictures, they should be in specialist.

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