Amsterdam fights employment discrimination

Gepubliceerd op 16 november 2015 om 12:33

The municipality of Amsterdam will address employment discrimination by deploying mystery applicants and a trial in which vacancies must be filled out anonymously by employers.

Amsterdam bestrijdt arbeidsdiscriminatie his is contained in a response from Councillor Simone Kukenheim on an initiative proposal of GroenLinks.

Initiative proposal

In Amsterdam, unemployment among young people with a non-western background two times higher than among young people who are indeed Western. Therefore, GroenLinks with the initiative proposal 'Amsterdam, a workplace for everyone' come.

Councillor Simion Blom called employment discrimination terrible thing on the site of GroenLinks.,, Being unemployed while doing everything to find a job is bad enough. Not to find work because of a headscarf or your last name is not only terrible for those who are going through something, but also for society. ''


Following the proposal alderman Kukenheim (Education, Youth and Diversity, D66) decided to put together with employers, job applicants in mystery. As a result, employers can be held liable if they give applicants a fair chance.


In addition, Amsterdam is an experimental designs where 500 vacancies to be filled out anonymously by different employers. Amsterdam also there will be more money for anti-discrimination provisions and terminate the cooperation with companies that are convicted of discrimination.

The proposal has the support of a majority of political groups in the council. D66, PvdA and SP have in fact responded positively to the plans. Carlo Doodeman / Photo: ANP / Remko de Waal

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