Turkey is Russian fighter down at Syrian border

Gepubliceerd op 24 november 2015 om 11:13

Turkish F16s have near the Syrian border shot down a Russian fighter jet that had violated Turkish airspace.

Turkije haalt Russisch gevechtsvliegtuig neer bij Syrische grensThe Russian Defense Ministry confirmed that it is a Russian device. According to Moscow's shot flew his entire flight over Syria and the jet not violated Turkish airspace.

On Haberturk TV are seen images of the burning plane, which came down to the village Yamadi, about 40 kilometers from the Syrian port city of Latakia. Eyewitnesses were two pilots themselves with their ejection seats have disembarked. About their subsequent fate is still unknown.

Russian base
Latakia is among the main base of the Russian fighter planes to assist the Syrian forces in the civil war.

Fly over northern Syria except Russian and Syrian fighters, also aircraft of the international coalition against Islamic state led by the United States. Netherlands is a member of the coalition, but carries out no attacks on targets in Syria.

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