Foreman and eleven other members Bandidos motorcycle club released

Gepubliceerd op 26 november 2015 om 16:26

The court in Maastricht on Wednesday suspended the detention of twelve suspects in the so-called Bandidoszaak. Among them was Harry Ramakers, president of the Limburg section of the Bandidos.

voorman-bandidos-en-elf-andere-leden-motorclub-vrijgelaten-1.jpgThe reason for the suspension is that the trial one more time waiting for it: it does not expected before next summer.

The suspects need to keep to strict conditions. They have to remain in the municipality where they live within the limits, except when they go to their lawyer.

They may engage in criminal activity. They also may not contact people on a list drawn up by the Public Prosecutor. That list contains 65 names, among other co-defendants and victims.

A suspect remains stuck. His arrest had been suspended once before, but he had violated the terms.

The Bandidos are according to the public prosecutor a criminal organization. The suspects allegedly involved in drug trafficking, threats, extortion and open violence. They are also suspected of money laundering and illegal weapon possession.

By: Reuters / Photo: Reuters

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