Seven courts remain open to big business

Gepubliceerd op 30 november 2015 om 16:56

The seven courts that remain threatened with contraction 'full case locations. Earlier it seemed that the courts in Almelo, Assen, Alkmaar, Dordrecht, Lelystad, Maastricht and Zutphen only 'small' things were going to do.

Court-Judge-generally-anonymous-ANPXTRA-1600_0-2.jpgThe reduction would cut back on those seven courts may be on facilities security cell blocks and large courtrooms. The plan met with great resistance in seven places. Also, judges, lawyers, prosecutors and politicians opposed the downsizing.

Lawyers and judges were against the plans
This would in places no expensive equipment as security cell blocks and large courtrooms to be paid. The plans met with considerable opposition in the concerned sites, but also by judges, lawyers, prosecutors and politicians. Earlier, the contraction has already been postponed.

The Lower House last week forced off the courts remain open. The Council for deRechtspraak going there now more agree.

RTL News / © Reuters

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