Family Dascha Graafsma accepts suicide

Gepubliceerd op 31 december 2015 om 11:41

Relatives of Dascha Graafsma from Hollandsche Rading rest in the fact that their 16 year old daughter and sister in late November committed suicide. The family members accept the conclusions reached after additional investigation.

media_xll_3497087-2.jpgFather René Graafsma and the rest of the family had a Tuesday interview with police, justice, the Dutch Forensic Institute (NFI) and toxicologist Frank van de Goot. Among them was a crime reporter Peter R. de Vries, who the family for the past four weeks helped out why Dascha Saturday November 28 was killed by a train.

,, They accept the results and conclusions of all investigations, but they have of course the difficulty with the question of how it could come to that, '' says De Vries, also spokesman of the family.

Party drug GHB
The NFI said Tuesday that there were found in the body of Dascha have traces of the party drug GHB, but that she probably would not have taken on the fatal night. The NFI concludes that it could have happened much earlier, but says that the body itself produces this substance at death. She had certainly not taken any other drugs, but was under the influence of alcohol when she stood in front of the train in Hilversum.

René Graafsma did Sunday November 29, more than a day after his daughter was found dead in Hilversum on track, an emotional appeal on Facebook to find out all the information possible about the last hours of his daughter. Police quickly drew the conclusion that Dascha had committed suicide, but her father did not believe in. In his eyes Dascha a nice life, a dear friend and there was no question of mental suffering which could have encouraged her to this act.

If they still own the track would have resigned to commit suicide, they could that might have been under the influence of any drug that might have been done by someone else in her drink during a night out in Hilversum.

Research with sniffer dogs quickly learned that Dascha, who left a pub in the center of Hilversum at two o'clock, first wandered through the city, before they seemed to run straight home. She suddenly chose the route along the railway line and stepped on something before six on track.

Later it turned out that they had a fight that night in the pub with a friend, she had given them and slap in the face. Investigations revealed that she had been drinking, according to toxicologist Frank van de Goot even quite a lot.

The family now accept that Dascha "followed a path they have chosen, but still does not understand how she could come to her act. De Vries: ,, The absence of a suicide note asking some will unfortunately always remain unanswered. ''

The funeral of Dascha was on December 12 in private.

Ivar Penris / © Reuters

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