Researchers know for sure: no IQ does not harm

Gepubliceerd op 15 januari 2016 om 12:20

It seems to be re-examined every year, but this time it is (once again) certain: weed is not bad for your IQ. Conclude researchers based on a large study in the UK.

In the Journal of Psychopharmacology they report that they could find no link between frequent marijuana use and a lower than average IQ.

Also read: 'Alcohol 114 times more deadly than cannabis'

The researchers took an IQ test in 2353 on eight-year-olds. When they were 15, followed by a second test. By this time, a quarter said they had smoked marijuana, and 3.3 percent more than 50 times.

The marijuana users had a higher risk for drinking, tobacco smoke, and problems at home. The researchers think that does not cause the weed, but precisely those other circumstances a lower IQ.

The frequent users also experienced no additional negative consequences: they scored 0.1 points lower on an IQ test.

Paul Buckley ©

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