Family tries to pay via crowdfunding care of father

Gepubliceerd op 29 januari 2016 om 15:05

A family in Rotterdam is trying to raise money through a donation campaign on the Internet for the care of the father, which ended after a scooter accident in a wheelchair. The money is intended for temporary nursing assistant, reports RTV Rijnmond.

Gezinprobeertviacrowdfundingzorgvanvadertebetalen-1.jpgThe wife of the family caregiver for her husband, but by surgery six weeks out of the running. An aide offers a solution, but the family has no money for it. Therefore, the family has started a crowdfunding action.


The man gets a personal budget (PGB), a government subsidy that the family itself can purchase care. "But you can not see the PGB as income. This means that if you as a carer is himself injured, you have no right to a benefit," said the woman of the family. She sees it as a gap in care in the Netherlands.

Increasingly crowdfunding be organized more frequently in care. A paraplegic patients from Nijmegen succeeded earlier in with such a donation campaign via the Internet to get enough money together to buy a robot suit to be able to walk again. In Flushing brought a crowdfunding action enough money for the renovation of the Admiral De Ruyter Hospital. © RTV RIJNMOND

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