Municipalities decide on priority in house asylum seekers

Gepubliceerd op 2 februari 2016 om 09:33

Municipalities should soon be able to choose whether asylum-seekers with residence permits should have priority in the allocation of a house. This policy is still required.

a3483a11b8ac9cd74765a206983b8dea-1454331858-1.jpgThis is stated in the proposal that Minister Stef Blok (Housing) Monday sent to the Council of State. This block will change the law.


The amendment is part of a package of measures which the government wants to promote the outflow of refugees with a residence permit from the asylum reception, without this leading to displacement of other house hunters.

Block late meanwhile also find out who else have trouble finding an affordable house, set against the housing stock. Not all municipalities handle urgency lists.


Last autumn was the Lower House and the Cabinet has already agreed that the automatic priority for asylum seekers with a residence permit (permit holders) was on the ramp.

Found that not everyone can immediately to a corporation house, but there was also modest but decent housing is possible for example in converted offices.

VVD parliamentarian Roald van der Linde last year got their hands on each other for a motion to delete the automatic precedence. It was also impossible to explain, he says. "How do I tell a police officer or carpenter that he is ten years on a waiting list, while 15 000 people without economic ties have priority to get a house?"

Els Anchor / Source: Photo: ANP / Valerie Kuypers

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