Man sabotages nine times the brakes colleague

Gepubliceerd op 4 februari 2016 om 10:08

The 51-year-old MK from Bergen op Zoom is on trial for systematically sabotaging the brakes of his colleagues.

94b06960d050b7a8a709b46592ba919b-1454534799-1.jpgNine times in total would have doctored the suspect to the car of a colleague. According to behaviorists is the man of diminished responsibility.


According to the AD is the man, a father of four children, whose brakes were sabotaged again hit by the car of his neighbor. In another situation the victim on the highway could just bring himself to safety when he noticed his brakes were not working properly.


MK gave to the court that he had cut six times the broken lines of the car of his colleague. He would also have screwed a hubcap of the car. The suspect could not explain his actions well in court. According to him, could come in part because he had not taken his antidepressant drugs. The man is explained by behavioral experts insanity, partly because he was feeble-minded.

The victim was behind the actions of the accused after he had hung up a security camera. So he could find out who was tampering with his car.

Esther Zandberg / Source: © Reuters

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