Each turn orgasm sex is bad for your relationship

Gepubliceerd op 11 februari 2016 om 11:15

When it comes to sex, we often still think more orgasms immediately means better sex.

6bdca1e4b3fbda2b245e147af14e5f6d-1455140268-3.jpgOrgasms are fine, of course, nothing wrong with it ... But every time one wish again or prefer to have more than one puts a strain on the sex. And that pressure is not good according to researchers. If you namely comes every time to your height, this is the default.

You go from your partner that he or she expect you any time to great heights to rise and if this fails then again, you're disappointed. So orgasms can gradually be seen as an end in itself and should not be. The fun of the whole game should be the goal, not only the terminal.

It would also biologically more difficult when you have so many high expectations. So you less relaxed, which causes the muscles you should be at your peak not cooperate well. So in short: relax, enjoy and do not expect much. Good sex without orgasm is still good sex.

Bron:  http://www.metronieuws.nl/ door Cerise van Vliet/ Foto: Colourbox

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