Crisis over, but employee is heavier than ever '

Gepubliceerd op 1 maart 2016 om 08:57

The employee, despite the economic recovery heavier than during the crisis. This is evident from the largest study ever FNV which participated more than 46,000 employees.

media_xll_3633932-3.jpgArchitects and construction workers, university lecturers and packers: workers are in all sectors, according to the research more than previous years in the node. A quarter can not pay the bills. One in three in a funk about his retirement and four in ten fears for his job.

Also shows that sixty percent of workers with a stable job often work under time pressure. ,, You can do good work is a rapidly growing problem, '' said Mariette Patijn of the FNV central management. It cites the conclusions of the disturbing.

The FNV measurement for a few years continuously over the internet concerns of workers in different sectors, so far 46,000 participants. So did in 2015 9.409 people on their own initiative. The union uses the data anonymously for policy support. The research method is validated for accuracy by TNO.

Structurally excessive workload
Marc van Veldhoven is Tilburg University Professor of Work, Health and Well-being. He thinks the outcomes identified and calls it "a true reflection of the kind of economy that we have now." The salaries do not grow fast, and rising poverty. That people frequently experience a heavy workload, he calls worrisome. ,, A great there is very Dutch.Internationally, we are high in the overtime and high workload. We worked hard. There are limits to. ''

The professor points to the overall relationship between structural heavy workload and burnout, heart disease and depression. ,, If the pressure is consistently high, it is also bad for the employer and the customer. It's a thin line between 'very busy' accidents. ''

Employers' organizations VNO-NCW and MKB-Netherlands understand the concerns of workers. Major bankruptcies in fanning the shopping that provide only to. They argue that increased enormously also the burden on workers during the crisis. "Refund" has only just begun over five billion tax cut.

Employers point out that, where possible, wages increased and now collective agreements are concluded with higher wages. Employers united in AWVN would add that many people feel insecure by the crisis. Confidence in the economic recovery is crucial, says AWVN.

 Source: by Bart van Eldert Photo hop stock

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