Drug tunnel found on Mexico-California border

Gepubliceerd op 25 maart 2016 om 09:55

The US and Mexican police discovered a tunnel used to smuggle marijuana.

864x486-157.jpgThe tunnel nearly 400 meters connected a home in Calexico, California, with a restaurant in Mexicali, Mexico.

On the images that released the police, is to see how the tunnel on both sides was sealed with concrete.

Police arrested two men and two women, including the buyer of the house. A suspect was arrested in another house, which served as a warehouse. They are accused of drug trafficking. The police found 635 kilos of marijuana.


The house in Calexico has recently been built by the drug traffickers, who are too smart police figured out. "We already realized that they were working on the house and the tunnel," said the prosecutor.

"For builders, financiers and operators of these smuggling corridors there is no light at the end of the tunnel We will find you drugs and tunnel before you can use it but.."

It is the twelfth time that the police found a drug tunnel on the border of Mexico with California since 2006. Across the border from the US and Mexico over the past five years were found more than 75 tunnels, most of which were not yet in use.

http://nos.nl/nieuws/ By editorial NOS Photo: Reuters

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