MPs do not want to lose redundancy

Gepubliceerd op 21 april 2016 om 09:48

The call to reverse bears the gilt-edged redundancy scheme for politicians appears directed to the Courtyard on deaf ears.

Most MPs feel nothing for the rules that have to tighten their own concerns, after the affair wassila hachchi, celebrating holidays in the US for three months at the expense of the taxpayer.

Government parties VVD and PvdA diving away after the plea VVD celebrity Wiegel to address the "buffoonery" of the abused redundancy scheme.

The group leaders of the coalition let backbenchers pull the chestnuts out of the fire to say that there is no need to change the existing practice anything. CDA and Green join it there.

Others sound more understanding. The PVV believes that voluntary leavers have no right to. "Henk and Ingrid who prematurely cancel their jobs have no unemployment," said party leader Geert Wilders. The SP wants to get rid of all the redundancy scheme. The Christian Union and D66 are open to suggestions to do otherwise, they say.

Readers De Telegraaf are outspoken in their opinions about the redundancy. "No payment step in itself", so find the most. Theorem of the Day 'Abolish redundancy perfect "on the daily page of readers' comments this time getting support from 89% of the participants.  By: Editor Telegraph Photo: Telegraph

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