"Too much candy at school '

Gepubliceerd op 9 mei 2016 om 09:24

BILTHOVEN - It is time for schools to do the snack and soda vending machines banned. Standing ambition of teaching in the way to offer students healthy food.

Unnamed-67.pngThat concludes the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) in a study appearing Monday.

The number of snack and soda vending machines in secondary schools has diminished somewhat in recent years, but still has 83 percent of the schools a dispenser and in 70 percent of the buildings a snack machine, writes the AD. The MBO is more often the case, namely 91 and 85 percent of the sites respectively.

These figures are noteworthy because almost all locations that participated in the study, are working to improve the food supply for pupils.

By Editorial Telegraaf.nl/ Photo: Peter Schoonen

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