"Marines, rapid intervention in Ede '

Gepubliceerd op 9 mei 2016 om 14:48

On August 25, 1970 drove a group of Marines arbitrarily hippies. Who stayed day and night around the Monument on the Dam.


There was Mayor Samkalden brought a sleeping ban. A group of marines decided to do something with. They wanted to support the police, as they had through media got the impression that the police were powerless.

The sailors were traveling after their normal working day standardized to Amsterdam. In one lightning action the marines swept Dam clean. Despite a reprimand from their commanders, this action immediately won 't intended effect.

May 2016. A group of dozens of young people makes for some time for disturbances. Ao with vehicle fires, throw stones at journalists and vandalism. The police are powerless.Mayor Van der Knaap imposed a ban on assembly in. They want to hold a talk session. A weak palliative. What in advance, so the experience will not work. Come on Marines! Work on the shore. One effective action like lightning.
By Editorial Telegraaf.nl/WUZ/ Wilma Beskers, Borculo Photo: APA

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