Half years jail for nurse after death diabetic

Gepubliceerd op 14 mei 2016 om 14:23

A self-employed home care assistant (47) got six months in prison, two of which were suspended, for giving wrong care to a diabetic. Because of that wrong care the patient died.

Unnamed-369.pngAccording to the court in Amsterdam, the nurse squirted on January 11 2012 the victim while insulin had a dangerously low blood sugar. Without treatment it can be fatal. This was also shown in this case. The diabetic was not approachable when the nurse left the house. The convicted woman was not necessary, according to the court to enable a doctor or ambulance.

The home care assistant has spoken with police once and then left for Suriname. She's not the case against her appeared, and no action taken responsibility for her, according to the judges.

By Editorial Wedding: Photo: Thinkstock

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