Appeal in Case Michelle Mooij start

Gepubliceerd op 18 mei 2016 om 11:43

AMSTERDAM - The appeal has been launched in the case of Michelle Mooij. Michelle was found dead in January 2010 in her apartment in Alkmaar.

Unnamed-580.pngShe was hanged. The police went out of suicide, but her family has never believed. Her boyfriend, Ian A, is suspect.

Because of absence of key research in the early stages, Ian A. involvement could not be proved in the death of Michelle.
Ian A. was sentenced to 4 years in prison for rape, threatening and assaulting his girlfriend. He had already been convicted and was forced to undergo treatment. That treatment was aborted because Ian A. threatened his handlers. Involvement in Michelle's death was Ian A. acquitted.

The case drags on for 6 years.

Door redactie Telegraaf/ Foto: ROODBEEN, CHRIS



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