Chase opened revenge porn installer

Gepubliceerd op 18 mei 2016 om 15:07

AMSTERDAM - Cybersecurity company Fox-IT has opened the hunt for the person who put a porn movie Chantal from Werkendam on Facebook.

Unnamed-595.pngThis reports the director of IT Workz, the ICT company that is associated with the IP address that emerged Tuesday after examination on Facebook. IT Workz provides Internet services to various educational institutions, including the ROC West-Brabant. It is suspected that a student porn at school has uploaded toFacebook. That will now be sorted out.

The Fox-IT is based in Delft is one of the leading consultancies in the field of computer hacks and also works for national security. It is expected that the company can provide all clear within a few weeks in revenge porn case.


January last year put someone with a fake Facebook account on the Internet a sex video of Chantal they had ever recorded with her ​​ex-boyfriend. Her ex says not to have done, and Chantal enforced through the courts investigate the offender on Facebook.

"That was terrible for the girl. We will do our best to help her, "says director John Pants IT Workz. According Trousers the investigation is complicated by uploading took place eighteen months ago. "We make regular backups of our systems related to DDOS attacks.However, it is questionable whether these are still available after eighteen months and contain the necessary information, "said Trousers.


Based on log files is to whom and when has been at any location on a computer and what he was doing. "Whether those logs are well preserved, often depends on coincidences. So it may be that they fail because the employee was for example a week on vacation, "says an ICT expert.

By Editor Telegraph: Bart Mos and Mike Muller Photo: Reuters

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