Locks up action for liberation girls delivers half a million euro on

Gepubliceerd op 23 mei 2016 om 11:02

The retaining action ' Lock Me Up-Free a Girl ' has half a million euros this year. Volunteers were trapped inside in small booths to raise money for girls who are forced to work in brothels.

Naamloos-793.pngThe Organization welcomes the yield, which was not previously as high as this year. About two hundred people were imprisoned for twelve hours for charity.

That's according to Director Evelien Hölsken of Free a Girl, inter alia, through the efforts of Ambassadors as Anna-Alicia Sahoo, Bridget Maasland and Walker Hu. "They have really made sure that we got national attention."

Hölsken is pleased with the commitment of participants who have surrendered their hours of freedom. "It is quite difficult to get people so crazy to get locked up at all in a loft of one by two meters ', ' says the Director, who himself as the last contestant was released.

The proceeds of the action is transit home intended for aid to kindprostituees. So is money put into rescue teams and the construction of a transit home in India, where victims of forced prostitution a few days to relax before going to a shelter.

To the action did this year 25 restaurants. There were participants spread over several days trapped in the cabins, that symbolize the brothel boxes in India where, according to the Organization of thousands of girls are forced into prostitution.


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