Police investigate incident at gorilla-toddler parents role

Gepubliceerd op 1 juni 2016 om 14:29

The u.s. police is investigating the parents of the boy who was wounded Saturday in a Zoo by a gorilla of almost 200 km.

The police want the study to determine the role of the family was in the incident.
The toddler was climbed over the fence and the accommodation of the great ape cases. 17-year-old gorilla was shot dead after about 10 minutes. Over the last few days sounded there therefore many protests from animal lovers.

They consider that the gorilla no harm in the sense, despite the little boy swung back and forth pretty hard.

Briefly strayed lawyer Ric Simmons, of the Ohio State University, says very doubtful whether the parents can be blamed for negligence. Normally, the child then left alone much longer. In this case, the toddler just a short time of his mother have strayed.

' The mother stood in the Zoo and lost her child might one minute from the eye ', says Simons in email against the American news agency AP. ' That happens almost every parent in the world once in a public place. '

By Editorial AD Photo: AP

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