Half assistance recipients will orbit

Gepubliceerd op 16 juni 2016 om 11:45

THE HAGUE - A little more than half of the people on welfare (54 percent) wanted a job in 2014.

Naamloos-1751.pngIn the group receiving disability benefits was something less than a quarter (22 percent). Disease is the most important reason to stay out of the labor force.

This reports the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) on the basis of a survey of people who received benefits in 2014. These are the latest figures for this particular study, which falls outside the regular reports by CBS, were available.

A total of 1.2 million people aged 15 to 65 in that year no work and got a benefit. When people in unemployment was the willingness to go the greatest to work. In total, 93 percent wanted to work.

Among those aged 15 to 65 who had no benefits and no job, four in ten were willing to work.

By editorial Telegraph: Photo: REUTERS

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