Especially less educated support Nexit

Gepubliceerd op 26 juni 2016 om 10:32

Just as was the case in Britain, Netherlands skilled people are in favour of Nexit. This is shown by a poll by Maurice de Hond.

Vooral lager opgeleiden steunen Nexit

His poll shows that just under half of all Dutch people for a Dutch withdrawal from the EU would vote, about 43 percent. Rather it turned out that even though from a poll commissioned by RTL news.

However, the opinions strongly divided: the highly qualified Dutch would only 28 percent for a vote, and of the low-educated Dutch Nexit supports 64 percent a Nexit.
Rise high among low-skilled workers In Britain was the emergence among the low-skilled is relatively high. The dog expects that, should there be a referendum in Netherlands, in Netherlands will also be the case, causing a Nexit is possible when a referendum.

In addition, the poll that especially PVV-voters are enthusiastic about the Brexit: when the voters of the PVV is 78 percent happy with the British withdrawal. Of those people who on the PvdA, D66 and green left voted, but 4 percent happy with the Brexit.

By editorial RTL News Photo: AFP

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