Air Line more good staff for nursing homes

Gepubliceerd op 8 juli 2016 om 12:36

The House wants That concrete plans are being made to recruit more qualified staff for good, safe care in nursing homes. That evening turned out during a heated political debate on the state of affairs in the nursing home.


Parliament Agrees with Van Rijn State (VWS) That drivers or poor homes without doubt shouldering be Addressed. Whether extra money shouldering be to boost the quality of nursing home care, However, remains a matter of enormous controversy.

last chance
Governing party PvdA wants administrators of the worst nursing homes even be forced to Improve Care MP Marith Volp:. ,, It is their last chance "Especially They want to know how the inspection will scrutinize ,, The quality must be everywhere in order .. . "

According to the SP structural Measures are needed in order to end the shortage of personnel, zoals a lower limit for the number of employees on the floor Renske Leijten:. ,, What do residents and their Families as it closes Van Rijn Their homes " They cause an emergency fund of 100 million for enough healthcare workers ?.

Naming and shaming
D66 ook requires That sufficient is qualified personnel, must draw on an action plan That Van Rijn. The party finds it violently That the minister does to naming and shaming , using the list of poorly performing homes. But Such a list must care fully be established, says MP Vera Bergkamp.


The Secretary Shall arrange That before the end of summer safety in weak nursing homes in order, Said VVD MP Sjoerd Potters: ,, I want the Minister ook promised tat in settings where safety is not in order, proceeding to closure in extreme cases. "

Where's the money?
Over more, the liberal overstated thatthere is no money to do to get better care. That is the opposition disagrees with him. ,, Nonsense! "Said PVV'er Fleur Agema. ,, Where's the money?" She wants managers in nursing care to go back to the floor again to help with Maintaining Their salary.

State Secretary Van Rijn was tonight Sounded Especially if he really is willing to dismiss directors and failing to close bad homes Van Rijn again confirmed that -. Here at his request - can ask the inspection bodies under enhanced surveillance, can Intervene and even a lock can do on the door.

The Minister will, after the current list of 11 SVHC nursing organisaties again in October to take stock and then take new Measures to persistently poor settings. ,, Transparency hurts and goes with ups and downs, but it is Important for the adult industry. "

Van Rijn Said tonight its support for the Amsterdam approach; a metropolitan plan for additional Suitable homes, more collaboration between health care providers focused on the individual situation of people, preservation or domestic help and -improvesleep the quality of nursing home care in decent buildings.

By Editorial AD Photo montage: AD Photos: Reuters

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