"She ran screaming and covered in blood out '

Gepubliceerd op 16 juli 2016 om 16:24

A 58-year-old woman is deceased today after a stabbing at the Field Dijksestraat in Skipton. The woman would have been victims of a family drama. The police have arrested a suspect.

Forensics is engaged in research in and around the home. According to Mayor Thomas Steenkamp of West Maas en Waal is meanwhile arrested a suspect. Steemkamp speaks of a terrible family tragedy '

High speed
Neighbor Tjebbe Wiersma saw this morning two police cars tear through the streets and ran to look out what was going on. ,, Then I suddenly saw to run out the daughter of the neighbor. She was covered in blood and screaming: "He killed my mother", "Wiersma recounts.

"He" is the boyfriend of the daughter, the neighbor who has seen someone with high speed is driven away in a car with Belgian plates.

The police confirmed the arrest, but can not report anything about identity of the suspect.

By Editorial AD Photo: DG

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