Acquittal for fatal carbon monoxide accident

Gepubliceerd op 19 augustus 2016 om 15:41

Two plumbers are today appealed acquitted of manslaughter after a father in January 2013 (86) and son (53) were killed by carbon monoxide poisoning. That happened in a holiday home in Zeewolde.


The carbon monoxide was released from a gap between the flue and the central heating boiler, which installers (father and son) had posted earlier.

The court in Lelystad sentenced the father for wrongful death in February 2014 and spoke the son free. The father was given a suspended prison sentence of six months and a community of two hundred hours.

The court in Leeuwarden has been unable to establish that the condition of the plant was completed ,, most likely '' to the release of carbon monoxide has led. Also, it has not been established that the method of the plumbers has increased the risk of loosening of the flue gas feed. Therefore, they are acquitted, said the court.

By editorial AD Photo: Reuters

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