Deductibles in care: up to 212 euros per year, say most Dutch

Gepubliceerd op 14 september 2016 om 11:58

About three-quarters of the Dutch is too high the deductibles in health care. That amount is 385 euros, but should be on up to 212 euros according to a survey.

Naamloos-3215.pngDutch are generally not opposed to a compulsory excess in healthcare. But the amount must be down, can be read in a study of health insurer VGZ.

Delay necessary care

Remains affordable care, discouraging unnecessary care and awareness of high health care costs are the most frequent reason for the excess. But almost 400 euros is too much: it can discourage people to seek care. One in five does so according to VGZ now. That number is the same as in 2015.

We are less well informed of what actually constitutes own risk. Many people think that, for example GP visits and care for co-insured children count towards the deductible, but that is not so, writes the health insurer. And thus delayed necessary doctor visits or do we sometimes not at all.

Abolish or decrease?

Also in politics is debate about the compulsory annual amount. As GroenLinks wants to completely eliminate the deductible, like the PVV and the SP. The party 50PLUS wants the citizens up to 200 euros can cost a year and CDA and PvdA want to cut into the amount.

The deductible remains for next year right, confirm sources RTL Z.

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What took deductibles in recent years?

  • 2017: euro 385
  • 2016: euro 385
  • 2015: euro 375
  • 2014: 360 euros
  • 2013: 350 euros
  • 2012: 220 euros

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By Editors RTL News: Photo ANP / Yahoo! News

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