For years Emma Burt (19) from Wales drugged and abused by her own father. Now Christopher Edwards (40) finally in jail for his terrible deeds, the girl talks candidly about the hell she went through.
Emma pulled in December 2012 at the age of fifteen in with her father Christopher Edwards.She had had a violent argument with her mother, with whom the band had always been turbulent.
One month after the move began the abuse. Her father gave her cannabis and subsequently heavier drugs "to control" her. He did every day.
"He never talked about how he raped me for the first two months. He always waited until I was asleep. About three months later, he began to give me drugs. It went so far that I became addicted, "says Emma. "I did not understand what was going on because I was so constantly under the influence. My surroundings started to notice that I was odd, but I never said anything. The more drugs I took, the more I could ignore what was going on. "
"His wife"
For two years, continued her father raping her. He always gave her a dangerous cocktail of anesthetics and also took inappropriate pictures of her. "He even called me his wife," says the girl. "And that was almost the case."
In December 2014 Emma was no longer the horror and tried to take her own life. The attempt failed, but the girl turned to confront her family with the abuse.
The police launched an investigation, which eventually led to the arrest of her father. He received a prison sentence of twelve years for rape and sexual abuse of a minor family member.
Incitement to talk
By coming out with her story, Emma hopes to encourage other victims of sexual abuse to talk. "I hope I can help at least one other girl," she says.
But the abuse Emma has scarred for life. Three weeks ago she gave birth to a son, David.Contacting the biological father she has not. Her trust in men is completely gone and she can see the world impossible for the same way.
"If your father could do such a thing, the person in whom you have the most confidence, then everyone can. A man holding his baby on the forehead coast. Such small things set me thinking. Is there more to it? You would not like that may look at, but I'll do that, "she says to the Sun Online.
Who sits with questions about suicide, contact the Suicide Line on Freephone 1813 and on the website .
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