Peak in kindontvoeringen in the summer holidays

Gepubliceerd op 16 september 2016 om 09:54

The number of reports of kindontvoeringen is considerably increased in the summer vacation compared to a year ago.


That is probably the result of an information campaign by the Government, says the Centre for international child abduction.

In the summer vacation are 34 reports of Dutch children who were abducted by one of their parents abroad. In 2015 it was 25 and in 2014 to 19 children.


"There is clearly an increase in summer and there we are concerned about," said Director of the Centre for international child abduction, Coşkun Çörüz. Most children are abducted to Spain, Russia and Turkey. In more than half of the cases, the mother the abducting parent.

In the summer there is a clear peak, but according to the number of full-year kindontvoeringen Çörüz seen though. The Marechaussee is extra alert and checks only-travelling parents with a child extra.

Education Welfare Officer

Of the 34 children who were kidnapped in the summer, there were 25 compulsory education.

The rules must be adapted according to Çörüz. Than having to parents after the kidnapping of their child not much effort into talks with the education welfare officer to say.

Door de Redactie NOS: Foto: ANP

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