Volkert van der Graaf, the murderer of Pim Fortuyn, do not have psychic guidance. That, the Court of Justice in the Hague today.
Van der Graaf flexed a procedure to change the terms of his provisional release, including the requirement of psychological treatment. According to the Court, the psychiatrist considered that further psychological guidance, not meaningful ''.
However, the killer va Fortuyn continue to contribute to the evaluation of the conditions imposed him. Also he must continue to regularly report to the probation. Justice found that Van der Graaf had to be further accompanied by a psychologist. Van der Graaf refused.
Summary proceedings
In February the Court ruled in a summary judgment that Van der Graaf no longer required psychological treatments or guidance have to undergo. The public prosecution service (OM) went against the pronunciation in job. According to the to was need guidance to monitor things like work, relationship and social network and to be able to assess the likelihood of recurrence. Today it got to no right of the judge.
Both the Dutch state if Van der Graaf can still challenge the decision of the Court of Justice at the Supreme Court.
Van der Graaf came in may 2014 under conditions free. He then had two-thirds of his sentence of eighteen years served. He shot politician Pim Fortuyn on May 6, 2002 dead at the media park in Hilversum. Moisture of the count had already successfully wearing an ankle bracelet.
By the editors AD: Photo: photo montage AD
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