The VVD in Amsterdam suggests to people that ' an economic or social bond with Amsterdam ', = higher priority on a part of the social housing. That writes the watchword today.
The proposal at the Amsterdam college comes from municipal councillor Daniël van der Ree, who earlier this month was sworn in as member of Parliament. It is one of his last actions as a member of the City Council.
According to Van der Ree low income working people have very little chance of a social housing. Article 14 of the housing law for the past two years should make it possible to improve the opportunities for these people.
House hunters that at least six years live in Amsterdam, are seen as socially bound. In addition, a house seeking an economic bind as he has a reasonable interest in the city. Amsterdam employed persons with a low income are therefore eligible for this scheme, States Van der Ree.
By the editors AD: Photo: REUTERS
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