Dutch acid thrower gets eighteen years in prison

Gepubliceerd op 14 oktober 2016 om 14:46

Jelle F., the Dutchman who threw acid last year in the face of a cleaning woman in a supermarket Delhaize Antwerp, was sentenced to a prison sentence of eighteen years for attempted murder.

download2-9.jpgJelle F. trough in February 2015 in Antwerp drain cleaner on the face of the 53-year-old Marina Tijssen.She was severely wounded and blind in her left eye.The woman was a random victim.

Previously, the maximum prison sentence of twenty years imprisonment was demanded because F. according to the Belgian prosecutor knew what the consequences would be of its action. The Court shares this view. ,, He could have no other purpose than to kill. This is evident from his thorough preparation. He knew the danger of attack by corrosive acid, '' said the judge.

F. must also pay the victim compensation of 497 751 euros.

F. put a last confession off. He wanted "revenge on society" after he had lost his job and was in need of money. He had the supermarket chain in the preceding period extorted by threats of acid attacks.

Tijssen has become permanently maimed and told rather suffer the consequences. ,, I would prefer not to look in the mirror. What he has done is inhuman, I got life. I'm not a hateful person but I hope he gets a severe effective imprisonment. And that is not a punishment of two to three years in prison. I would not have much to his words of regret, I'm still afraid to be around. "

By Editors AD: Photo: ANP / AFP

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