Powder already in the house, "I will decide the time of my death '

Gepubliceerd op 27 oktober 2016 om 11:23

She photographs, is a member of a book club and enjoys playing with the dog. Elis Lelyveld (84) is not finished with her life. Yet it is there prepared: she has a powder house in which she can end her life.


At this time, people only eligible for euthanasia when they are sick and unbearable suffering.In the House talked about an extension, if people feel that their life is "ready", they may commit euthanasia.

Elis Lelyveld did not wait for the new law. She has since February, a home agent in which they can do that. That's not a pill but a powder with which people can get out of life.

25 grams of powder

"You get standard 25 gram, but you have only 10 grams. The powder is a little less strong alone each year," Van Lelyveld tells RTL Nieuws. It must not be sold in the Netherlands, but people who are tolerated buy abroad.

Lely Field bought the powder in China, on the advice of the Dutch Association for a Voluntary End of life. She received from the association also advice on the powder. So her children may not help for example if the time comes. "You have to mix it with custard. My children can not help me with food. They should also take pictures from the moment I step out of life, to prove that they have not helped."

Fire insurance

At present Van Lelyveld is vital and a member of various clubs. For now she is not yet ready to use the powder. "You have to prepare it anyway if you're fit. Otherwise it's too late."

"But what if I get a stroke, then I do not want to depend on a doctor who decides whether I suffer unbearable 'or not. I also have fire insurance. Which I hope not to have to use."

The powder is in a safe at Van Lelyveld home, ready for the moment when it is needed.When her life is complete? "No idea. It's a gray area, perhaps even darker. To me it is more ready as I feel no connection with life, with my kids and the dog."

By RTL News Editors: Photo: RTL News

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