"Ajax Traoré has not forgotten and still hopes to cooperation from Chelsea '

Gepubliceerd op 13 januari 2016 om 14:35

Ajax, the arrival of Chelsea talent Bertrand Traoré still not put off by heart.

'Ajax is Traoré niet vergeten en hoopt alsnog op medewerking van Chelsea'

Interim manager Guus Hiddink said earlier this month show that in his opinion no one should leave London, but there does appear to be a chance to be that the young attacker temporarily relocated.

The Algemeen Dagblad writes that Chelsea light later this month might be anyway to green. Given the tremendous competition at Stamford Bridge would be a rental Traoré not be illogical - as well as Hiddink is planning to put on an extra striker this month. According to Marc Overmars can Traoré definitely be an option. That leaves the director of player affairs Ajax on Wednesday knowing the AD.

Traoré arrives at Chelsea just to the games. The talented striker made last season impressed at Vitesse, which also hired him as the reigning champion of England. In Arnhem was the young man in Burfina Faso fourteen hits in 33 Eredivisie matches.

Overmars recently received from the Board of Commissioners to hear from Ajax which should be sold first before new players can be attracted. That does not seem to apply to acquisitions coming to Amsterdam on a rental basis.

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