F-Side wants to give seriously ill Nathaniel big reception, "A mega-happening"

Gepubliceerd op 19 januari 2016 om 14:24

The F-side Ajax is planning to seriously ill Nathaniel Roggeveld (2) give a pleasant welcome at Schiphol.

large_bb649a1f02e449313fc0092fed4c15baebc0a136-1.jpgThe boy returns Sunday returned from America, where he underwent treatment for his neuroblastoma.

Thus, the survival rate of Nathaniel has risen from forty percent to sixty percent. The family Roggeveld place Sunday morning at 10.30 feet on Lower Lande soil. Facebook is a call made ​​to the supporters to get to Terminal 3 with as many fans. "It will be a mega event," said Uncle Silvano Rosenberg as the Noordhollands Dagblad.

The F-Side is closely involved with Nathaniel. While Ajax - SC Cambuur in May, a collection was held to raise as much money as possible to get him to America. Nathaniel was also guest of honor at the final league game for Ajax last season.

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