Fuss about Muslim prayer room in hospital Delft

Gepubliceerd op 16 september 2015 om 17:56

Patients are angry that the brand new Reinier de Graaf Hospital in Delft has only a Muslim prayer room. Christians, Jews and Hindus have to do with a collective meditation center. The hospital has yielded to the pressure and adjusts the sanctuary at.

Muslims in the brand new Reinier de Graaf Hospital in Delft want to isolate a moment, can turn into a special Muslim prayer room. There is a bench for a foot bath and two taps, where the faithful can wash themselves ritually.

However, anyone who adheres to another religion does not have a prayer. However, there is a silence center, but it was directed at all religions. The device is therefore kept neutral.

That encounter patients from the chest. ,, In the hospital, you will not find a cross, '' says Delftenaar Job Duijndam. ,, Lens took a serious case of discrimination. ''

Duijndam is not alone. The hospital received many complaints from patients that it was decided to adjust the meditation center. ,, We investigate whether the facility appropriate religious or comforting symbols can be added to the device, '' says a spokeswoman for the hospital.

A separate prayer room for other religions but there is not. ,, Among Muslims is a great need for a specific area for prayer. This need we see in patients with a different religious background, to a lesser extent. '

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