Russians have no confidence in the outcome MH17 research

Gepubliceerd op 12 oktober 2015 om 12:05

If the Safety Board morning presented its findings about the cause of the MH17 disaster, the chance is very high that all Russia suddenly massively supports the conclusions reached by the researchers.

The Russians in the last year heavily bombarded with all kinds of possible causes of the tragedy.

Some of the theories, whether conveyed by official bodies over the past year, erupted in the Russian media: the Boeing Malaysia Airlines would deliberately shot by a Ukrainian fighter. Kiev would then blame in the shoes of the pro-Russian separatists have wanted to push.

When that story appeared scarcely tenable, the MH17 with Buk-aircraft missile would be taken off the air; a Ukrainian Buk probably know, from an area where the Ukrainian armed forces were in control. And then there's the CIA conspiracy. US intelligence would have placed a bomb on the plane, again to the separatists and Russians black.

Antonov 26

Russia's pro-Kremlin channel Life News has made ​​every effort to make these 'alternatives' as much as possible to carry out in his television broadcasts. Editor in chief Anatoli Suleimanov attaches no credence to the theory that is widely supported in the West: that the separatists flight MH17 have shot down a Russian landed Buk missile.

He points out that everyone immediately assumed that there is a Ukrainian military transport plane had crashed, after it became known that there was a plane shot down in the eastern Ukrainian war zone.

"We managed but not to find out who the plane was shot down," said Suleimanov, "while the rebels just an honor would be to admit that. It would to be a Ukrainian Antonov 26. For me, the proof of the fact that the rebels had not done. "


Many Russian officials have in the past year expressed doubts about the quality of the investigation into the disaster. Investigators would have come too late and have taken too little evidence. They would be biased and Russian perspectives do not take seriously.

Suleimanov it can not but agree: "Just as in Europe already drawn the conclusions of the Research Council, the study may not have been objective."

Conclusive evidence

On Tuesday, presents the producer of the BUK missiles, the Russian company Almaz Antei, the results of its own investigation, where the effects of a BUK rocket on a "like" aircraft such as the Boeing 777 in the real views.

The outcome will probably hardly surprising: it may have been no Russian Buk, because it is a type that Russian forces have long no longer have in their arsenals.

It seems not so much an attempt to provide conclusive evidence of the actual state of affairs, but rather a commitment to everything that is being investigated by others to be as credible as possible.


Quite apart from the question whether the Research Council will be answer to the question of who is responsible, say the Russians in advance: please have no confidence in the outcome of that investigation. Given that the majority of the Russian population receives information through channels such as Life News is likely that this strategy will be successful.

According Suleimanov is not surprising. "Life News is a channel for the masses", he explains."The mass consists of 80 to 85 percent of people who consider themselves to be patriotic and support President Putin And the team we work with here also consists of people who have full confidence in one person:. Vladimir Putin."

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