EU: Russia must cease attacks on Syrian opposition

Gepubliceerd op 12 oktober 2015 om 16:14

The Russian attacks on moderate opposition groups in Syria should be immediately discontinued. The EU foreign ministers.

EU: Rusland moet aanvallen op Syrische oppositie staken

The Russian attacks on moderate opposition groups in Syria should be immediately discontinued. The EU foreign ministers.

Also the violation of Turkish airspace by Russian combat aircraft must stop, said the ministers, who are ' very concerned ' about the situation in Syria. They fear that a solution to the conflict fades and the radicalization increases.

The ministers are meeting today in Luxembourg. They want Russia less used violence and focuses on a political solution. Sustainable peace is not possible with the current president of Syria, Bashar al-Assad.

' Greatest humanitarian disaster ' the conflict has for more than a quarter of a million lives and more than 7.5 million people driven out of House and home. The ministers referred to this as the ' world's largest humanitarian disaster in recent history '.

RTL Nieuws / ANP/ © AFP

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