Rebel leader: MH17 researchers are wrong

Gepubliceerd op 14 oktober 2015 om 15:05

The researchers from the sinking of the MH17 sit there under Alexander Zachartsjenko completely wrong. The leader of the pro-Russian rebels in eastern Ukraine says his movement never has Buk missiles.

The Dutch Safety Board (OVV) said yesterday that the MH17 is shot down with a rocket-Buk. President Tjibbe Joustra said later that the projectile is launched in an area which was controlled at the time of the disaster by the rebels.

"As we have said previously, we now say that we have not shot the device," says Zachartsjenko.

Political games

According to the rebel leader, the OVV can not indicate by what type of missile, the MH17 is taken. "But I can say that we have no Buk missiles and never have had."

Zachartsjenko believes that Ukraine is responsible. The government in Kiev plays by Zachartsjenko political games. "Ukraine should close the airspace, but has failed to do."

Earlier today released the Russian aviation authority Rosaviatsia know not certain to be the unit of Malaysia Airlines is bombarded with Buk missile. © Reuters

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