More and more children are growing up on welfare

Gepubliceerd op 24 november 2015 om 10:55

In 2014 almost 223 000 children grew up in a family assistance. It is about 1 in 15 children. Especially in Rotterdam and Amsterdam is home to many families who are on welfare.

Steeds meer kinderen groeien op in de bijstand

In Rotterdam grows 18 percent of all children in a family assistance. Also in other major cities and in municipalities in Groningen and South Limburg are relatively many children in a family assistance.

It seemed to be a good time. Between 2004 and 2009 there was a significant drop in the number of children growing up on welfare. In recent years this number has risen sharply.

Fewer toys
One in ten parents can help their children not suitable toys. Also take children from a family assistance less frequently in recreational outdoor activities - such as sports, music lessons or a day at the playground.

Even celebrating their birthday is for these children is less obvious than in children with parents who have a paid job.

RTL Nieuws/ © ANP

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