Three arrests in brawl in azc Arnhem

Gepubliceerd op 27 december 2015 om 11:46

In Arnhem has broken out in the refugee center at the Groningensingel a Saturday night brawl.

Four people have been slightly injured and were taken to hospital. Three of them were again Sunday morning in the center, a person may need to be operated on for a broken nose. He also suffered injuries to an eye.

Police have three men of 24, arrested 25 and 26 years old. The three suspects, one of Tilburg and two from Arnhem, were Sunday still steady, said a spokesman for police. They are suspected of abuse and / or public violence. What they did in the asylum seekers' center, the police could not say.

In the incident were a total of approximately fifteen people involved. The nationality of many of those involved is unknown and also the result of the brawl that broke out just after 22:00, the police still impaired in the dark. There were so fast no interpreters available to obtain more clarity in the case, said the police spokesman.

Peace returned late Saturday night rather quickly back in the asylum seekers' center. © Reuters

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