No Sight GeenStijl attract grant for "Ukraine"

Gepubliceerd op 12 februari 2016 om 13:34

No Sight GeenStijl withdrew their grant application for the referendum on Ukraine. The referendum commission gets there in a Facebook message from the two parties along.

864x486-90.jpg"The committee communicates poorly, it makes use of unsuitable partner companies to distribute the grants and it does not sufficiently hard for a solid, democratic conduct of the referendum on April 6," said Bart Nijman None of level. "The committee remains, in short, on all fronts at fault."

No Peil said to have fallen into a legal quicksand and wants to spread "not let sink in." For that reason, they now renounce the subsidies.

The referendum commission leaves in front of the AD know that sabotage is involved. "The commission responds very carefully and as quickly as possible."
More than 70 applications approved

Earlier this month, the NIS reported that nearly half of the grant for the referendum "technically is wrong." Some of the other applications was content to summarily.

Meanwhile, there are 180 applications in, of which over 70 have been approved. Which have a total value of 850,000 euros. In total, distribute 2 million for the campaigns.

Source: Photo: Reuters

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