Bloodied corpse found in US plane

Gepubliceerd op 16 februari 2016 om 09:17

Ground staff of the Zimbabwe Harare airport did find a very special Sunday in a US cargo plane.

be7fcfcccf91e33a0810ec907ac09ecc-1455608417-3.jpgThe aircraft made a stopover in the capital of Zimbabwe in order to refuel, when the staff noticed a red substance dripping from the air conditioning.

The crew of the plane was questioned and found that they had to have hit a bird in flight, says a source to Africa News Agency. But when the staff opened the vent, there was not found a bird, but the body of a man.

The crew would have them arrested. According to sources, the plane from Munich arrived and it would have been en route to Durban, South Africa to deliver a large amount of money for a South African bank.

The man's nationality could not be determined. The police is still investigating. The case is also at the state level investigated by Internal Affairs of Zimbabwe. The plane, from US company Western Global Airlines, has been seized.

Source: Elena van Doorn: Photo: Reuters

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