New jihadis rapidly radicalized and piepjong

Gepubliceerd op 1 april 2016 om 13:22

They are younger, less religious than their predecessors and radicalize at breakneck speed. A new generation of jihadists is on, according to a large-scale terror research in Europe being presented Friday. And not all countries know what they are thus to be.


One month. Sometimes there is no more than a mere 30 or forward 31 days to become a jihadist. So it can go fast, terror expert Bibi van Ginkel saw during the research she conducted with the participation of almost all Member States of the European Union.

Who supplied the figures, on jihadists within its borders. Let know what IS left for people to the caliphate of terror. And how they cope with the phenomenon, in the area of security, justice, prevention. ,, The study is unique because most data come directly from the government. Therefore, there can be a comparison between the different EU countries. ''

From Europe since 2012 left a total of at least 3922 people are up there 4294, to the caliphate. At least 580 of these "foreign fighters" died there, in Syria and Iraq.

Why? In any case, not always because of the faith. ,, The element Islam is often a sauce that goes over it later. But it does not start with a deep conviction. "" Well of former criminals, or others who are feeling an outcast, not belonging. ,, Often these people already known to the police. As a born-again Salafist they find a justification for their actions. ''

,, If you look at the data of the country, you'll see a number of trends. A larger group of women going to the caliphate, some of them are really associated with IS battalions. We also see that leaves a growing number of converts. ''

Between 6 and 23 percent was not raised with the Islamic faith. ,, It is also striking that the jihadists are becoming younger in some countries' Beep Young uncommon:. Now is 4 to 10 percent of the fighters are not older than 18 years. And the radicalization of all these people is accelerating. That one month, which is an example from France. By: Carla van der Wal Photo: AP

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