Emma (45): "How do you tell Dad suddenly as a woman goes through life?"

Gepubliceerd op 16 mei 2016 om 13:48

In WOMAN magazine this week, telling four courageous women about their "last day ... '. Emma Laurijssens (45) has been living for four years as a woman, but now gets the final geslachstverandering.

Naamloos-461.png"How do you tell the outside world that you prefer as a woman than as a man goes through life? Years, I dare not take this step. I was afraid of negative reactions. What would people think? It was safer to my feelings away pressures and lead a "normal" life. and I did. for fourteen years. I married a woman, had two beautiful children, and above all trying not to listen to my feelings.

"I found it very difficult to tell my loved ones. Especially my children. Because how do you tell Dad suddenly as a woman goes through life? My son had at first much difficulty, but turned to when he was in the hole I had just kept his father. "

"My daughter, however, had no problems at all. They thought it was just nice that they had someone to fussing, and shopping. Also, I have the luck that I ran into an unwise nice woman. Eva has exactly the same path trodden and therefore knows how I feel. That's so fine ... She accepts me as I am, just Emma. " read Emma's story? Look at VROUW.nl.

By Editorial Telegraaf.nl/Vrouw Eline Doldersum and Linda Pol / Photo: Mariel Kolmschot

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