Hundreds demonstrate in Maastricht against Tihange nuclear power station

Gepubliceerd op 23 mei 2016 om 11:17

Several hundred protesters have gathered in Maastricht to demonstrate against the nuclear power plant in Tihange, some forty kilometres from Maastricht.

Naamloos-801.pngGreen Left Maastricht and the environment Front Eijsden took the initiative and are supported by all Maastricht political parties.

At the demonstration also did representatives of environmental organizations from Germany and Belgium. The protesters were addressed by Member of Parliament William Villagomez (green left).

She talked about the importance of Euregional cooperation and participation. She thinks it's wrong that countries build nuclear power stations at the borders without people on the other side of the border have a say. For example, the keep of obsolete power stations open longer, as now in Tihange.

Striking was the presence of Japanese media, covering of the action. There is interest in Japan because of the nuclear disaster in Fukushima.

By: photo: REUTERS

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