Last year 74 urgent child missing persons cases

Gepubliceerd op 27 juni 2016 om 14:33

Driebergen-parts of the AMBER Alert system last year 74 times are used to detect urgent missing children.

In 81% of cases, the child was recovered within one week. Almost all children, except for two, were in a month back home. This is evident from the annual figures of AMBER Alert, the country-wide alert system for missing children abductions and urgent.

The urgent missing children are, on average, thirteen years old and it usually goes to girls (68 percent). Since 2011 are parts of this warning system used in 959 urgent missing children AMBER Alert system is The country twice last year successfully used for two missing children from Utrecht and Vleuten within 24 hours. For them of danger or risk serious injury existed. In those cases were rural warning issued through highway signs, advertising screens, apps, sms and e-mail.

Approx. 11.7 million Dutch citizens are submitted by the official AMBER Alert. Since november 2008 is 22 times such a warning.

By editorial Telegraph: Photo:  Peter Schoonen

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