Aboutaleb: "Many objects Rotterdam secured to tensions Turkey

Gepubliceerd op 19 juli 2016 om 12:08

Many places and buildings in Rotterdam are being extra protected by the police because of the unrest in the Turkish community in the city. That's Mayor Ahmed Aboutaleb told RTL Late Night.


The mayor did not say how many places it was going and how heavy security. He would only say "numerous objects" are protected.

Restless since coup

The city is restless in some places since the coup attempt by a section of the Turkish army Friday evening and night. Several hundred Turkish Dutch same evening all went towards the Turkish consulate to protest against the coup attempt . The atmosphere there was downright grim, journalists were harassed.

From the moment President Erdogan have a few hours later rival Fethullah Gülen pointed as the main mastermind behind the failed coup, were also the institutions of the influential Turkish cleric attacked and flew even stones through the windows .

failed call

An attempt to get together with the Dutch representatives of both tendencies in Rotterdam table, had failed, said Aboutaleb. Representatives of two influential groups called at the last moment.

By Editorial RTL News: Photo: RTL Late Night

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