Scientists make radically new Painkiller without side effects

Gepubliceerd op 18 augustus 2016 om 13:55

A powerful Painkiller without annoying side effects, that is the Holy Grail of pain control where scientists ever since the discovery of opium are looking for. A team of American and German scientists put a important step in the direction of such a medium. Although the new molecule, PZM21 baptized, still only has been tested on mice respond experts excited.




' This is sensational ', says Frank Huygen, Professor of pain medicine at the Erasmus MC and not involved in the new study. ' Exactly the results where we hankered for years. An enviable research. '

No side effects
Most studies into new drugs is experimented with chemical variants of existing medicines. The American/German team, that publishes the results in Nature, chose a radically different approach. In computer simulations, the researchers billions of different chemical structures linked to the morphine receptor in the brain. The scientists look for when the simulations also good on the new resources or potentially affect parts of the brain which can provide side effects if congestion or breathing problems; something a lot of other pain relievers are notorious for.

So the researchers came to some promising molecules, which on the eye but have little affinity with traditional painkillers. One of those resources, PZM21, came strongly off the bus at animal testing. Mice were put on a hot plate, after which researchers turfden or they came up, their feet started to lick or tried to jump off of the plate. The new speck of dust to assuage the pain turned out to be just as good as morphine. In addition, the researchers at PZM21 saw no side effects. The mice also seemed not to become addicted the stuff; so they stayed no longer hang out in areas where the drug was administered, something that addictive substances usually does happen.
Most studies into new drugs is experimented with chemical variants of existing medicines. The American/German team, that publishes the results in Nature, chose a radically different approach. In computer simulations, the researchers billions of different chemical structures linked to the morphine receptor in the brain. The scientists look for when the simulations also good on the new resources or potentially affect parts of the brain which can provide side effects if congestion or breathing problems; something a lot of other pain relievers are notorious for.

So the researchers came to some promising molecules, which on the eye but have little affinity with traditional painkillers. One of those resources, PZM21, came strongly off the bus at animal testing. Mice were put on a hot plate, after which researchers turfden or they came up, their feet started to lick or tried to jump off of the plate. The new speck of dust to assuage the pain turned out to be just as good as morphine. In addition, the researchers at PZM21 saw no side effects. The mice also seemed not to become addicted the stuff; so they stayed no longer hang out in areas where the drug was administered, something that addictive substances usually does happen.
Addiction sensitivity
The negative side effects of painkillers are especially high on the political agenda in the United States. The US Congress withdrew this summer from 1.1 billion extra for new research to the addiction sensitivity of painkillers to mute. According to the latest figures from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention went into 2014 more than 14,000 people death due to overdose on painkillers.

' Although those beverages in Netherlands less easy to obtain, are also a clear problem sensitivity and addiction side effects, "says Hanif. ' It's always careful with cautious at breakthroughs in the laboratory. Maybe about a year that the new medium allows for unexpected side effects in people. But this is definitely a promising new pain reliever where potentially millions of people benefit and which we so need to test further. '
By Editorial Volkskrant: Photo: ANP

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